
> The Perils of a New England Winter

DL4-1968 Mediterranean Cruise and COC Pamphlet


Memories of USS Willis A. Lee (DL4)

> Seal Dogs
> USS Norfolk Mystery # 1
> USS Norfolk Mystery #2
> The USS Norfolk Arrives...
> Poem regarding the Wilkinson's...
> Mitscher Log '59
> Together Again...
> I Was Once A Sailor
> Reunion Pictures
- 2012
- 2009
- 2008
- 2007
- 2006
- 2005






From a Shipmate

USS Norfolk MysterY #1 Solved
Submitted by Bob Godas and Frank Galchus

USS Norfolk Baseketball Team Champions

This is a photo of the 1954 USS Norfolk Basketball Champions. Thanks to Frank Galchus, No. 3 in the photo, we now know the names of these players. Here are the names of the players (from left to right):

1. Frank Killain 2. Chuck Cornillie, RM1 3. Frank Galchus, FT2
4. Doug Robertson (D) 5. Joe Swegarden 6. T. K. Brown (D)
7. Bob Ring 8. Al Bachman 9. Harold Kepley
10. Dean Corcoran 11. Paul Smith 12. Jack Heaney, RM1

Thanks to Bob Godas and Frank Galchus for this trip down memory lane.

(D) = Deceased